An 85-minute all-English climax to the 2012 JP Morgan Tournament of Champions in New York saw Nick Matthew (pic le) not only win the prestigious PSA World Series title at Grand Central Terminal for the 1st time, but also wrest the World No1 ranking from his opponent James Willstrop (pic ri). “This win is right alongside the Worlds and Commonwealth Games gold medals as my best victories,” said the jubilant 31-year-old after his 4th ToC final and playing his 1st tournament after 2 months off the tour to recover from an injury.
It was their first confrontation since Willstrop had run off 3 PSA World Series titles in a row and replaced his rival at the top of the PSA world rankings at the beginning of this year.
The match was marked by physical play, wall-hugging rallies and several mini shifts in momentum. “I think one of the differences tonight was that I did a better job of capitalising on the momentum when it shifted my way,” said Matthew.
The 8-11, 11-9, 11-5, 11-7 triumph earns Matthew the 22nd PSA World Tour title of his career.